Refunds & Returns

Refunds & Returns

Returns Policy

We aim to sort out any issues you have, and you can always contact us at or via phone. If an error has been made in your order (e.g. a missing or incorrect item) please contact us immediately and we will rectify in our next shipping cycle.

Returns are accepted dependent upon some terms and conditions. If a product is faulty immediately then a refund or replacement will be issued once we have received and assessed the item. We offer a further 4-6 week refund or replacement warranty on all of our products, depending on the item. In some cases the item will be replaced with a 'for-like' product depending on availability (we will always liaise with you before doing this).

Australian law provides some guarantees for purchasers regarding faulty items. However, returns are not necessarily allowed if any of the following apply:

  • The product's condition has been worsened by the use of the product.
  • There has been significant use of the product.
  • The product has been used incorrectly.


Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.

If more than 4-6 weeks have gone by since your purchase, your product reverts to the manufacturer's warranty. Information regarding manufacturer warranties can be found in the product box or on the manufacturer's website.



To be eligible for a refund or replacement, your item must be in the original packaging with all charging cables and accessories included. Proof of purchase must also be included.

To complete your return, please follow the steps below.

  • Email us at with: Your full name, your order reference number, and a brief overview of what you wish to return and why. Please include details of the steps you have taken to try to alleviate the issues you have encountered.
  • You will be responsible for the return shipping for your items. Please see below for information on how to claim back the cost of postage for your returns. Send the products back via Australia Post to:  
  • Sydney Bong Supply

2/30 Station St

Dundas NSW 2117

  • You must keep a copy of the tracking number for the parcel you return to us. In the event that the parcel does not reach us, this will be the only way for you to seek clarification on its whereabouts from Australia Post.
  • We will review the items and email you with our findings within 72 hours of receiving the item(s). Please note that testing may need to be performed on your product in order to replicate the issue for which you have returned the item, and your return of the product is an acceptance that this testing may be performed.
  • If the goods are deemed to be faulty we will issue a refund or replacement within 48 hours of emailing you our findings.


Claiming Back Your Return Postage Cost

  • You will be responsible for the return postage cost of your items. We will be responsible for the return postage cost of your item to you should it be deemed not faulty, or for the return postage cost of your replacement item should your returned item be deemed faulty.


"Change of Mind" Returns

We reserve the right to accept or deny "change of mind" ("buyer's remorse") returns at our sole discretion. These returns will only be accepted if the item is unused and unopened in its original packaging.

Please contact us at seek approval for such a return.


Cancellation of Orders

We will happily cancel any unshipped orders up until the time that the order is due to ship out from our warehouse (generally at around 1:00pm ).

Please phone us on  0412 979 285 with your name and order number to cancel an order that has not yet been shipped.



If you are approved for a refund rather than replacement, then your refund will be processed and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment within 48 hours. Please note that depending on your card issuing bank or method of payment, returns could take several days to be applied to your account.